Unlawful detainer lawsuits can negatively impair a tenants credit and ability to rent other rental units. Landlords typically do a search of a tenant’s rental history before renting a new unit to the tenant as part of a tenant background check. In fact, there are paid databases that landlords can search to determine a tenant’s rental history. Accordingly, whenever a tenant is settling an unlawful detainer matter it is a good idea to consider obtaining a stipulation and court order to seal the record. By sealing the record, the tenant’s eviction record will be much more limited and difficult for a landlord to discover through the paid databases.
There is also an important 60 day holding period in Los Angeles County. During the first 60 days of an unlawful detainer the court blocks access to the unlawful detainer case from its online records and docket. During this time period a tenant has the ability to locate a new residence without having the unlawful detainer show up on the tenants’ record.
To successfully resolve any unlawful detainer (in a manner that will not come back to haunt you) a tenant or a landlord needs to have an attorney that is experienced in all aspects of unlawful detainer actions. Our Los Angeles unlawful detainer lawyers can meet this demand while also providing the personal attention that each case deserves. For more information on your unlawful detainer contact the Los Angeles unlawful detainer lawyers at Schorr Law, APC, info@schorr-law.com, 310-954-1877.