The question of whether to hire a lawyer for unlawful detainer is a good one. There are many avenues of self-help for landlord’s and tenants facing unlawful detainer actions. For example, yesterday, I was in the Orange County Superior Court and saw that they have a pamphlet that helps litigants guide their way through the unlawful detainer process.
Here are a few reasons why you should hire a lawyer for unlawful detainer actions:
1. They will know the nuances and intricacies of the law and more importantly – unlawful detainer procedure.
2. Unlawful detainers are a very procedure oriented process. One misstep and your case could be lost.
3. Lawyers know the rules of evidence and can help get key evidence in at trial.
4. A lawyer may be able to come up with a theory that would allow you to recover the the cost of the lawyer.
5. The lawyer can negotiate (and get a return call) from the opposing counsel.
The bottom line is that unlawful detainers can be litigated without the use of a lawyer. The only problem is you reduce your likelihood of winning.