Our Los Angeles based unlawful detainer attorneys have compiled this list of 5 important things to consider as a plaintiff or defendant in a Los Angles County Unlawful Detainer action.
1. Proper Court: If you are a plaintiff or a defendant make sure the case is filed in the proper court house. Unlike many cases in Los Angeles County, unlawful detainer actions are generally required to be filed in the local branch of the Los Angeles County Superior Court. There is a tool on the Los Angeles County Court website that helps you to figure out the proper court by zip code.
2. Pay Attention to Deadlines: The deadlines in unlawful detainer actions are very fast. 5 days to answer, 5 days to respond to discovery and a quick trial. Missing deadlines can be fatal to your case.
3. Be prepared. Just because this is an unlawful detainer action does not mean that you should not treat the case seriously. Unlike many “mill attorneys” we give each case the specific attention it deserves and work it up to trial. Be weary of any attorney that will meet you for the first time on the day of trial.
4. Consider Settlement: In every case you have to consider settlement because of the uncertain outcome that necessarily comes from taking any case to trial. Many of the courts order the parties to discuss settlement on the day of trial right before the case is called for trial. There is no reason to wait until the last second to discuss settlement. Consider settlement at every stage to have certainty. Of course, many of these cases require trial to be resolved, but there are always risks.
5. Win: Losing is never the goal. So, do what it takes to win. Hire the best, prepare and go for the win. This may seem obvious but many people try to skimp on preparation and the quality of their attorney. Skimping on these items undermines the primary goal = to win.
For help with your unlawful detainer contact the Los Angeles unlawful detainer attorneys at Schorr Law, APC. www.schorr-law.com, info@schorr-law.com, 310-954-187.